HECAC president has updated all the progress and continuity of the project which has taken place since HECAC’s establishment till today. And also he mentioned in his report that, there are other environmentally friendly projects are on the pipeline.

HECAC president met the HECAC asks all the NGOs and INGOs Government and Nongovernment sectors to work in this field together joining hand in hand so that dream of creating green environment and to make the earth green comes to true soon.

HECAC president has updated all the progress and continuity of the project which has taken place since HECAC’s establishment till today. And also he mentioned in his report that, there are other environmentally friendly projects are on the pipeline.

HECAC president met the HECAC asks all the NGOs and INGOs Government and Nongovernment sectors to work in this field together joining hand in hand so that dream of creating green environment and to make the earth green comes to true soon.